Friday 31 May 2013

Where to buy Wheelchairs in Southport?

There are a number of places to purchase wheelchairs nowadays, here at B&M Supplies we feel we have the widest selection to suit a variety of needs and the customer service to guide you on purchasing the right wheelchair for you.

Situated in Birkdale Southport we have onsite parking and a specified area to try and test your new wheelchair. To help you choose the right type of chair its worth considering the 3 basic types available.

If at any time you require any assistance on renting or purchasing a new wheelchair, please don't hesitate to contact us on 01704 553 773. 

Attendant Wheelchair Propelled Wheelchair

Attendant Wheelchair

You can easily spot an attendant chair due to the characteristic small wheels on the chair, this chair is design to be pushed by an attendant or 2nd person and is designed for people who are unable to propel themselves in a big wheeled chair.

Available in steel which is very affordable or aluminium which is more expensive but stronger and very light,.
There are also a number of optional extras available including locking brakes and removable footplates for easy storage.

It may be worth considering the where the chair is to be used before choosing the right chair as a steel chair will be an advantage if the chair is to be left at a house or onsite somewhere where as a lighter aluminium is a much better option for traveling and folding into a car boot.

If you require any help or advice on Attendant wheelchairs call 01704 553 773 and we will be happy you

Self Propelled Wheelchair

Self propelled chairs are a little bigger and are designed so that the user is able to maneuver themselves easier using the hand grips on the wheels.

There are many different options when choosing a chair like this, for example a chair that is intended for rugid out door use is very different in design to a chair that is used in a hospital or nursing home.

The most common types of materials that these chairs are made from are steel and aluminum however top end wheelchairs such as sports wheelchairs can be made of materials such as carbon fibre to keep the chair light as possible.

We have a number of self propelled wheelchairs at our mobility shop in Southport so if you are thinking of buying a new one, or its your first time buying and need a little advice call 01704 553 773 or why not pop in and let our experts help you choose the right item for you

Electric Wheelchair or Power Chair 

Electric wheelchairs have become more and more popular over the years due to a few reasons, firstly the chairs have gotten smaller, easier to transport so the chairs to be collapsed into smaller pieces.The price has come down considerably allowing the average consumer to now buy these items.

As with self propelled wheelchairs there are a few types of power chair available, some chairs have modifications specific to the clients needs, in this case a specialist will prescribe the type of chair available however for the average consumer powerchairs are similar to the one pictured here.

Electric wheelchairs use the same sort of mechanics that are found in mobility scooters and can be easily maintained and controlled, to find out more about powerchairs feel free to pop in and see us.

B&M Supplies, 67a Compton Rd, Southport PR8 4EG, 
Tel: 01704 553 773 Email: 