Friday 23 November 2012

Huggies call it a day!

Kimberley Clarke who manufacture Huggies brand to have decided to call it a day on selling the recognizable brand in Europe, It seems that the company have noticed less loyalty on the brand and have decided to move efforts on to some of their more established brands which include the massively popular Andrex line.

It’s not all bad news though its seems they will continue to supply its more premium products, Dry nights, and Huggies little swimmers products.
As an alternative to Huggies it may be worth considering Libero’s range of nappies and pull-ups, we are also stocking a range of pampers which may be worth trying.

As always if you require a particular size or product we can always source this in for you, feel free to call us on 01704 553 773 or email and enquiries over to